Hearing Loss
Learn more about hearing loss and the effects it can have on your health.
Hearing and Your Health
Over 48 million Americans experience hearing loss to some degree. One in three people over the age of 65 experience some degree of hearing loss. This trend is more pronounced as people grow older: 2 out of 3 people over the age of 75 have a hearing loss.
When left untreated, hearing loss can have a negative impact on your overall health and well-being. Hearing loss doesn’t just make your world seem quieter, but it prevents your brain from receiving certain sound signals. After time, this can result in cognitive decline and even difficulty with speech comprehension.
The best solution to managing hearing loss is with hearing aids. At Revolution Hearing, we carry many hearing aids that can help you manage your hearing loss. Our team of hearing instrument specialists are experts in the latest technology and can help you find a hearing aid that will help you hear better.
Signs of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss often occurs gradually, over the course of a few years. For this reason, it can be difficult to recognize the signs of hearing loss, especially if you have been missing sounds for some time. Often times it is a family member or close friend who will notice the signs of hearing loss before you do. If a loved one has suggested you have your hearing tested then you should make an appointment with us. We can test your hearing to see if you would be a candidate for hearing aids.
Some common signs of hearing loss include:
- You often ask people to repeat themselves.
- It seems like everyone around you mumbles.
- You have a hard time understanding people when there is background noise.
- You feel tired after conversations.
- You have a difficult time hearing the person on the other end of the phone.
- You hear a ringing in your ears.
- You turn the TV volume up higher than people would like.
Understanding Different Types of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a complex condition that can manifest in different ways. It’s important to recognize that there are three main types of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss. The type of hearing loss you experience will determine the most effective treatment approach.
Conductive Hearing Loss
Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem in the outer or middle ear that prevents sound from being conducted efficiently to the inner ear. This type of hearing loss can result from a variety of issues, such as earwax buildup, fluid in the middle ear, or damage to the eardrum or middle ear bones. While conductive hearing loss is often more common in children due to congenital conditions, adults can also develop it later in life, especially after an injury or infection. Treatment for conductive hearing loss typically involves medical or surgical intervention, such as eardrum repair or, in more severe cases, the placement of a cochlear implant.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common and often preventable type of hearing loss, typically resulting from prolonged exposure to loud noises. This type of hearing loss occurs when the delicate hair cells in the cochlea become damaged, impairing their ability to transmit sound signals to the brain. Unfortunately, sensorineural hearing loss cannot be corrected through surgery. However, hearing aids can provide significant improvement by amplifying sounds, helping individuals regain much of their lost hearing.
Mixed Hearing Loss
Mixed hearing loss is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. This dual condition requires a specialized treatment approach that may involve both surgical procedures to address the conductive component and the use of hearing aids to manage the sensorineural aspect. By combining these treatments, individuals with mixed hearing loss can often achieve better hearing outcomes.
Hearing and Your Brain
Hearing loss can do more than just affect your ability to hear. It can also affect your ability to effectively communicate with your family and friends. Hearing loss affects your ability to hear and process certain sounds and frequencies. When left untreated, eventually your brain will forget those sounds. This can lead to cognitive decline and even dementia.
In order to be proactive about your hearing and your overall health it’s important to manage the signs of hearing loss early with hearing aids. With hearing aids, you will be able to clearly hear the sounds you have been missing, keeping your brain active and healthy. Hearing aids allow you to communicate with the people you love and to continue living your best life.
Causes of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be caused by a number of factors. The most common causes of hearing loss include:
- Genetics
- Age
- Loud noise exposure
- Medications
- Infections
- Head or ear trauma
- Blockage in the ear canal
Whatever has caused your hearing loss, we can perform a hearing evaluation to determine if you could be helped by hearing aids.
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